Etienne Krüger is 40, has size 13(UK) feet and claims to be an underwater fireman when drunk. This story is often unhelpful at airports, where, thanks to the recent attentions of False Bay rugby club, he and his left forearm are unable simultaneously to proceed through the metal detector without tripping the alarm. Five years ago he discovered that chicks don’t dig engineers half as much as authors. So, cutting deeply into his precious surfing time, he cribbed the name of his first character from the side of a furniture removals truck and wrote his debut novel, Getting Lucky. Yeti, as he is known to his friends, is currently undergoing intensive psychotherapy as research for his third act of madness – Package Tour, a dark Freudian comedy about the dangers of impending marriage. We wish him well.
Leave a message here for Etienne and one reader a week will be getting lucky and receive a personally autographed copy of Getting Lucky. And if his therapist allows him access, he will endeavor to reply in a reasonably lucid manner.
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