Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Survey Results

Has anyone else been sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for these results? No? Well, I have! Even though I've been looking at each survey as they come in, I don't trust my head to collate the information accurately. I like to see the numbers added in little columns with formulas and cross-references dotted around before I conclude anything.

As more surveys come in, these stats may change but considering the wide demographics of those surveyed, I would expect this is a good place to start. So, here are some of the results from the past few weeks with comments by me:

What do South Africans want to read?
Thriller 41%
Detective 41%
Comedy/Satire 39%
Fantasy 37%
Historical 35%
Romance 30%
Sci-Fi 30%

If you are a writer looking to be read in South Africa, here is your answer on where to start! Readers want to be thrilled and follow detectives in their hunt for criminals. People also want to laugh and escape to lands of magic, be enthralled by history and swept away by romance...
Some added comments also specifically requested some South African science fiction! I wonder what we could come up with?

Would people want to buy Fiction Bitz regularly?
No, it looks like a waste of time and money 0%
I might buy it every now and again to help the unemployed 52%
Yes, I think it's a great idea 48%

Whether people enjoy reading fiction or not, it seems they would at least be willing to purchase a copy to help those in need.

How much would you be willing to pay per issue?
Free 0%
R1-R5 46%
R6-R10 46%
R10+ 9%

So it looks like R5 would suit everyone's pocket! This is fabulous news. We will do our best to ensure you never have to pay more for your favourite fiction.

Do people prefer hardcopy or reading online?
Online 52%
Hardcopy 48%

While many people are still not either connected or are not comfortable reading on the computer, the younger generations are seeing a different world. Internet providers are working on cheaper solutions while the cost of paper and printing are rising. As sad as the decline of the printed book is, it's a fact we can not ignore. This does not mean, however, that Fiction Bitz will be a predominately electronic publication any time soon!

If size counts, in your opinion, how large should each spread be?
A3, folded 83%
A2, folded 17%

This was probably one of the most interesting answers for me. For some reason I thought a larger page with a larger font, and possibly more story, would appeal to people more. Apparently I was wrong! So we will be bringing Fiction Bitz to you just the way you want it!

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